In about four weeks, President Muhammadu Buhari touches down as the country’s Number One citizen. For 8 years, he has served, making salutary impact on nearly all sectors of the National landscape: security, economy, anti-corruption, infrastructure; rail, roads, air and sea ports, power, housing, water resources, the Oil and Gas sector, legislative matters, foreign affairs, sports, youth development, and many others.

The Presidential Communications Team here brings a one-stop shop of achievements under the Buhari administration covering 8 years of two terms. It’s a collector’s item, an answer to the questions of those who would rather cavil, looking at a half-empty cup, rather than a half-filled one.

Those who are objective, taking a dispassionate look at this Fact Sheet, would admit that President Buhari came, and served meritoriously. As he had promised many times, he would not be leaving Nigeria the way he met it.

A report card of the  administration? It is so and more. Welcome to view the indelible footprints of Muhammadu Buhari on the sands of time. Download full document here – FACTSHEET_THE BUHARI ADMINISTRATION_2015 TO 2023.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

April 30, 2023